Meet the Trade Experts behind MSC’s European Short Sea Services


Meet the Trade Experts behind MSC’s European Short Sea Services


MSC has Europe covered with the broadest network of ports and inland connections, spreading from North to South and West to East reaching every corner of the continent. Since some years we’ve seen growing demand for intra-European shipping services and, more recently, the impact of the pandemic has led to some cargo being shifted from a land-based to a sea-based mode of transport.

To absorb these trends, MSC’s customers are in good hands with the support of our local dedicated teams who work hand-in-hand with the experienced European short sea trade managers based in headquarters in Geneva. Our trade managers focus on different regions of Europe ensure that our shipping routes, transit times and services are efficiently managed and adapt to everyday business needs.

In the first of a series of MSC Insights on the European short sea market, Luca Russo, the Intra-Mediterranean trade manager covering an area including Adriatic, Greece & Türkiye, East Mediterranean and Black Sea, spoke about what it takes for a shipping line to compete with truck, train and Ro-Ro services in the busy European market and what are the benefits of choosing MSC and its multimodal solutions as a partner for European cargo movement.

With the dedication of our trade managers MSC keeps on investing in our teams and assets to further develop European services and provide stability for our customers by offering reliable transport solutions through the pandemic and beyond.

Keep your eyes as well on the next episodes coming soon where we introduce Carlos Espanol who is managing the North European and Baltic Sea region to Portugal and Atlantic Spain and Michela Fonda responsible for the routes between the Scandinavia, Baltics, North West Continent to West and East Mediterranean.