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将肉类、海鲜、水果和饮料 运往世界各地。

与 MSC 合作,运输您的食品和饮料货物



凭借数十年运输饮料和不同类型食品的经验,MSC 团队对每个行业的要求和挑战都有着广泛的了解。

无论您是运送冷冻食品、新鲜水果,还是液态货物,与 MSC 合作开展国际食品和饮料进出口业务,您将与一家极具规模的全球航运公司合作,为您提供定制解决方案,从而满足您的特定货物需求。

  • 专属客户支持团队

  • 1,000 万个维护有加、精确调度的集装箱

  • 可在全球范围内提供冷藏集装箱(6 米、12 米高箱),有效应对季节性波动

  • ISO 食品安全

运输饮料和食品:MSC 提供的主要服务

MSC 拥有在世界各地运输多种货物的丰富经验。此外,我们还提供一系列航运解决方案(包括干货、冷藏货物和液态货物),可以为您提供定制化服务,以满足您的业务需求。


从新鲜水果和优质葡萄酒,到冷冻肉类和鱼类,MSC 是世界诸多知名品牌眼中值得信赖的航运与物流合作伙伴。凭借庞大的规模、丰富的资源和灵活的方案,我们能够与世界各地的种植者、生产者、批发商和零售商建立成功的长期合作关系。




依托由 1,000 多名专家组成的全球网络,我们能够提供世界领先的冷藏货运服务,并且能在运输冷藏和冷冻货物方面提供无与伦比的客户服务和专业知识。



为了妥善管理您的新鲜、冷冻、食品或饮料货物,必须在整个运输过程中进行追踪和监控。MSC 的数字化解决方案使您能够对分布于世界各地的货物进行监控,并在出现任何延误或瓶颈时迅速响应以确保您安心无虞。




除了我们的全球港口覆盖率、特定行业的设备可用性以及可靠的船期表,选择 MSC 航运服务的其他优势还包括:

  • 强大的多式联运服务组合(公路、铁路、驳船)

  • 定期而频繁的货物监控

  • (冷藏箱)航前检查

  • Cargo Cover Solutions

Best Practices and more for your Food Transportation and Logistics

Thanks to decades of experience servicing the food and beverage industries, at MSC we have the expertise to offer the very best services when it comes to shipping in this diverse industry.

Maximizing the shelf lives of different products is also crucial, particularly when shipping frozen food as this needs to arrive at its final location without being defrosted to prevent spoilage. Ensuring that your overall supply chain is running as smoothly as possible is a vital part of maintaining the quality and maximizing the shelf life of your fresh and frozen cargo. Enhancing your supply chain can be done in the following ways:

  • Increasing the efficiency of your loading and offloading times.
  • Selecting carriers that adhere to all food-grade transportation standards.

We understand that flexibility and scale are crucial for shipping cold food, beverages or fresh food successfully. By partnering with our team of experts when shipping these commodities, you’ll be working with a shipping company with the scale and experience to offer you the carrying capacity your business needs.

Tips for Shipping Food Internationally

Utilize Real-Time Communication Tools and Platforms

Utilizing Transport Management Systems (TMS) and online tracking tools with real-time communication systems allows for automated tracking and scheduling of door-to-door shipments. Not only can this help to reduce labour costs, but also enables better logistics and inventory planning throughout your supply chain.

Specialized Equipment Availability 

Using specialized food shipping containers, whether it be dry, liquid, or reefer is vital to preserve the quality of your cargo. Working with a shipping company that can ensure you have access to the specific equipment you need for your shipment is highly important for planning your overall supply chain and preventing both wastage and loss of revenue.