

自 1982 年以来,MSC 一直在帮助客户将货物运往和运出西班牙。 如今,我们在全国设有超过 14 个办事处,不仅在西班牙主要港口开展业务,而且在马德里、萨拉戈萨和塞维利亚等主要内陆枢纽也设有办事处。 此外,我们还提供往返休达和梅利利亚的滚装船服务。

  • 19个终端
  • 14个办公室
  • 625 名员工

Detention, demurrage, Per Diem and storage charges

What is detention?


Detentions is a charge applicable on containers once free time period expires, the detentions period starts from pick up of the empty unit from terminal or designated depot until the container enters full into terminal for further shipment. This charge covers the use of the container unit.
What is demurrage?


Demurrage is the charge applicable on containers once free time period expires, the demurrage period starts as from when full unit enters port until actual ETA of designated vessel. This charge covers the use of the container unit.


Demurrage is the charge applicable on containers once free time period expires, the demurrage period starts as from vessel arrival at port until unit has been taken out of the premises to be delivered and unstuffed and returned empty to the designated depot or terminal. This charge covers the use of the container unit.

What are storage charges?


Storage is the charge applicable on containers once free time period expires, the storage period starts as from unit arrival at port until unit vessel sailing date. 


Storage is the charge applicable on containers once free time period expires, the storage period starts as from vessel arrival at port until unit has been taken out of the premises to be delivered and unstuffed.


Questions about detention, demurrage, Per Diem or storages charges?

Contact our Spain team.


SOLAS VGM: a new regulation for a safer supply chain 

What is VGM?

Verified Gross Mass or VGM refers to the exact, verified weight of a packed container. For safety reasons, vessel operators can only load a container if its weight has been verified.

In line with SOLAS (Safety of Lives at Sea) regulations, since 1 July 2016, Shippers are obliged to obtain and submit in a timely manner the VGM of each shipment to the carrier. Weighing at terminal through MSC has proven to be the most agile and secure formula to comply with this law’s requirements, a service we have put at our customers’ disposal to avoid shipment rejections and/or penalties due to the lack and/or discrepancy of the VGM.

 How can I submit my VGMs?

You must include the following on all VGM instructions:

  • myMSC (Free of Charge)
  • EDI (via INTTRA; GT NEXUS; Cargo Smart)

 Questions about VGM?

Contact our Spain team.

Prohibited cargo

It is illegal to ship the following items into or out of Spain.

  • Brazilian pork
  • Some hazardous cargo
  • Products subject to administrative import authorizations and quota allocated by the EU: specific chemical products, radioactive materials and military material 


  • As per guidelines of IMDG code, provisions in force & MSC Policy

Start your journey

Ready to get started?

Contact our team to request a quote, book or find out more about our local services. 

Call: +34 963359100
Email: ESP-info@msc.com

Customs Clearance Information

Every importer and exporter needs to have customs clearance. MSC works proactively to simplify the customs clearance process and provides you visibility on all the information needed to fullfin the import and exports documentation. 

The Spain Customs Clearance is a quick tool to find information like manifest information, manifest date, closing time, folder information, BLs date, etc., about shipments from/to Spain. 

集装箱称重 (VGM)

所有 MSC 当地办事处均提供经过认证的秤,以根据海上人命安全公约 (SOLAS) 规定记录和验证集装箱重量(经验证的总质量或 VGM)。出于安全原因,所有货物都必须有 VGM 说明,并且船舶运营商只有在集装箱重量获得适当验证的情况下才能装载集装箱。请联系您当地的 MSC 团队以获取更多信息和支持。

挂衣集装箱 (GOH)

如果您运送服装或纺织您就会知道衣架有助于物品保持最佳状并避免在运输过程中生褶些特设计的衣架也有助于减少包装。在 MSC,我提供高效且具有争力的衣架安装和拆卸服系我取更多信息。


Liquid Cargo

Streamline your liquid supply chain with MSC's complete fit & supply flexi-bag solution for door-to-door deliveries. Flexi-bags allow you to fill dry containers with up to 24,000 litres of liquid or non-hazardous chemicals, offering a safe, cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional liquid transportation methods, such as ISO tank containers.
Contact Us


Our team of in-house forestry experts enables us to provide dedicated cargo fumigation services for the seamless shipment of wood. As a specialist in log shipments, including a long track record of shipping wood to the Far East, we provide tailored support for all of our customers, including those with specific requirements due to the bark beetle infestation in Northern Europe.
Contact Us


MSC 的货物装卸设施地理位置优越,可确保高效且及时地装载进出口货物。我们还提供从集装箱到卡车的货物拼箱、装载和重新装载、包装、拆箱和交叉装载服务。


最后更新时间: 2025-03-27T21:44:00

Information for suppliers

The Company has had in 2022 an average payment period of 48 days with a payment volume of 65,599 thousand euros. The payment of 28,789 invoices for an amount of 52,196 thousand euros has been made in a period shorter than the maximum established, which represents 82% of the total invoices and 80% of the total payments made to suppliers.