
连接意大利 与世界

自 1975 年以来,MSC  一直在帮助客户运送货物进出意大利。 我们为寻求进出欧盟最大经济体之一的众多市场和供应商提供可靠和高效的运输服务。 如果这是您第一次运送到意大利,请务必查看我们深入的国家指南,涵盖从一般贸易信息到进出口程序的所有内容,旨在确保您的货物顺利进出意大利。

Contact our  team to request a quote, book or find out more about our local services


Storage and demurrage

Storage and Demurrage

Storages: charge applicable, after the free time expires, for containers left inside the rail ramp or container yard (for the use of the land).

Plug in: charge applicable for the use of energy for reefer containers left inside the container yard.

Demurrage: charge applicable, after the free time expires, for the use of the carrier’s container inside and outside the marine terminal, rail ramp or container yard.

Government approval status

Government approval status

  • Authority in charge: Harbor Master – PSC Officers under the supervision of ‘’Comando Generale delle Capitanerie di Porto’’

  • Tolerance +/- 3pct ,

  • Fines unless the Law violation does not constitute or represent specific or more serious crime, every irregularity in the shipping document (declaration VGM) may be considered, prosecutable, towards shipper according to article 483 penal code.

  • Inspections carried out on random basis

  • M2 according to art.4 D.D 447/2016

  • No VGM – No Gate-in (unless approved in advance by terminal involved )


What to include in your VGM instructions
The following items are mandatory and must be on all VGM instructions

  • Booking or Bill of Lading number

  • Container number

  • VGM + unit

  • Responsible party Name in full

  • Place and date of signature

  • Legible Signature


How to submit your VGM instructions


Deadlines for sending your VGM instructions
VGM cut-off aligned with Custom Documentation cut off


Admin Fees and costs
In case of discrepancy between the communicated gross mass and the actual gross mass, Carrier should any time roll over/discharge/dispose/abandon or restow the container or suspend the voyage at its sole discreption and any associated costs that will arise (including but not limited to: weigh or re-weight, additional lifts, storages, electricity, demurrages, gates charges) will be on Merchant account.



  • VGM records to be maintained till the end of the voyage but for a minimum period of 3 month

  • From terminals ( the general rule is no VGM – No Gate-in (unless agreed in with Terminal)

  • Failing the Shipper to provide to MSC Agent the VGM document, according to the IMO Resolution MSC. 380(94) dated 21/11/2014 which amended SOLAS Convention 74, sufficiently in advance of ship loading and in view to prepare and implement the ship stowage plan, the container/s would not be loaded.


Contact information
Contact us here.

Prohibited cargo

Customer Financial Services

Welcome to our Customer Financial Service section.

See below for our Customer Finance Services within our local agency:

A. Debit & Freight notes Automatic email.
If you subscribe to this service, you will receive via email all debit notes, invoices and freight notes issued to your company as soon as available in our systems.

B. Customer Finance Area.
By accessing this area our registered customers will be able to download copies of their own documents such as bills of lading or invoices. To login to the customer area click below

Go to Customer Finance Area

If you need one or both of these access to our online services, please print our relevant forms (here and here) with your Company letterhead, stamped and signed by the legal representative, including his/her title and powers.

This document should be scanned in PDF format and sent directly to the attention of our local contact: 

Mr. Andrea Pandullo
ph: +39.010.6472.305

集装箱称重 (VGM)

所有 MSC 当地办事处均提供经过认证的秤,以根据海上人命安全公约 (SOLAS) 规定记录和验证集装箱重量(经验证的总质量或 VGM)。出于安全原因,所有货物都必须有 VGM 说明,并且船舶运营商只有在集装箱重量获得适当验证的情况下才能装载集装箱。请联系您当地的 MSC 团队以获取更多信息和支持。


Our team of in-house forestry experts enables us to provide dedicated cargo fumigation services for the seamless shipment of wood. As a specialist in log shipments, including a long track record of shipping wood to the Far East, we provide tailored support for all of our customers, including those with specific requirements due to the bark beetle infestation in Northern Europe.
Contact Us


最后更新时间: 2025-03-05T21:44:00