Team Malizia Comes in Strong with Victory in Ocean Race Grand Finale


Team Malizia Comes in Strong with Victory in Ocean Race Grand Finale


The Ocean Race is once of the most gruelling sporting competitions there is. Going around the world in six months of racing, seven legs, and nine stopover cities, it puts skippers and crews to the test. Team Malizia’s lap around the world encompassed traversing thousands of nautical miles and finished with wide smiles and a jump into the Genoa harbour. 

The last leg went from The Hague to Genoa and took Team Malizia just 11 days to complete. After sailing from behind for 10 days, Skipper Boris Hermann and Team Malizia made a bold strategy choice to take a different route than the rest of the pack. They found favourable conditions, overtook the leaders, and went on to win the seventh, and final, open-ocean leg of The Ocean Race.

A Race We Must Win

The final times are not the only thing that matter for the team in this race. With a message of "A Race We Must Win", Team Malizia has a mission to promote ocean science, protection, and education around the world. Its educational program “My Ocean Challenge” seeks to inspire the next generation of ocean scientists. It’s used in classrooms all over the world, to teach children about the beauty of the oceans and the dangers they face through climate change.

The Malizia Seaexplorer is fully equipped with a mini laboratory that measures valuable sea surface CO2, temperature, and salinity data. The data is retransmitted via satellite to scientists around the world, giving them an in-depth, unprecedented look at the health of our oceans. In 2021, skipper Boris Hermann completed a lap around the world collecting this critical information, which opened areas of the world as there was no previous data from 
remote regions of the Southern Ocean. Now, the second set of data will allow scientists to analyse and gain insights that will help combat climate change. 

As one of the six Official Founding Partners, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company is proud to support skipper Boris Herrmann and Team Malizia in their mission. MSC collaborates with the team to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The need for clear action to combat climate change (SDG 13) is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, and Team Malizia’s ambition to push forward inspires us all. 

Congratulations to Team Malizia for finishing with The Ocean Rage with a win, as well as another successful trip around the world collecting much-needed data on the health of our oceans. 

We look forward to seeing the continued scientific and racing successes of Team Malizia!