Conectando Italia Spadoni con el mundo
La Agencia Spadoni, con sede en Leghorn, lleva ayudando a sus clientes a enviar cargas desde y hacia Italia desde 1971. En la actualidad, contamos con más de 130 empleados y trasladamos la carga desde y hacia Italia a todos los destinos del mundo. También ofrecemos servicios de transporte comercial y terrestre, tanto por camión como por ferrocarril, moviendo miles de TEU de carga al año.
Contact our team to request a quote, book or find out more about our local services
Demurrage and storage charges
What is demurrage?
Demurrage is the charge counted, after the free time expires, from discharging date until gate in empty (both included) (import) and from get out empty until loading date (both included) (export).
What are storage charges?
A storage charge is applicable, after the free time expires, for containers left inside the rail ramp or container yard (for the use of the land).
Questions about, demurrage or storage charges?
SOLAS VGM information
What is VGM?
Verified Gross Mass or VGM refers to the exact, verified weight of a packed container. For safety reasons, vessel operators can only load a container if its weight has been verified.
Government approval status
Authority in charge: Harbor Master – PSC Officers under the supervision of ‘’Comando Generale delle Capitanerie di Porto’’
Tolerance +/- 3pct ,
Fines unless the Law violation does not constitute or represent specific or more serious crime, every irregularity in the shipping document (declaration VGM) may be considered, prosecutable, towards shipper according to article 483 penal code.
Inspections carried out on random basis
M2 according to art.4 D.D 447/2016
No VGM – No Gate-in (unless approved in advance by terminal involved )
What to include in your VGM instructions
The following items are mandatory and must be on all VGM instructions
Booking or Bill of Lading (BL) number
Container number
VGM + weight measurement unit (lbs. or kgs.)
Responsible Party Name in full
Place and date of signature
Legible Signature
How to submit your VGM instructions
Deadlines for sending your VGM instructions
VGM cut-off aligned with Custom Documentation cut off
Admin fees and costs
In case of discrepancy between the communicated gross mass and the actual gross mass, Carrier should any time roll over/discharge/dispose/abandon or restow the container or suspend the voyage at its sole discretion and any associated costs that will arise (including but not limited to: weigh or re-weight, additional lifts, storages, electricity, demurrages, gates charges) will be on Merchant account.
VGM records to be maintained till the end of the voyage but for a minimum period of 3 month
From terminals ( the general rule is no VGM – No Gate-in (unless agreed in with Terminal)
Failing the Shipper to provide to MSC Agent the VGM document, according to the IMO Resolution MSC. 380(94) dated 21/11/2014 which amended SOLAS Convention 74, sufficiently in advance of ship loading and in view to prepare and implement the ship stowage plan, the container/s would not be loaded.
Questions about VGM?
Contact our customer desk services
Prohibited cargo
Prohibited cargo in Italy
For full details of prohibited cargo, please visit the following sites:
Import regulations
Export regulations
Pesaje de contenedores (VGM)
Nuestras soluciones
No solo somos un líder mundial en el transporte de contenedores, sino que, gracias a nuestros equipos de expertos en la industria en todo el mundo, podemos ofrecer a nuestros clientes un servicio personalizado a toda hora. Por ende, ofrecemos tiempos de tránsito rápidos y confiables, y proporcionamos las mejores soluciones según tus necesidades.
No solo somos un líder mundial en el transporte de contenedores, sino que, gracias a nuestros equipos de expertos en la industria en todo el mundo, podemos ofrecer a nuestros clientes un servicio personalizado a toda hora. Por ende, ofrecemos tiempos de tránsito rápidos y confiables, y proporcionamos las mejores soluciones según tus necesidades.
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Última actualización: 2025-03-25T21:44:00