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The Port of Freetown, also known for its natural harbour was established in 1964 by an Act of Parliament- The Ports Act (No. 56) of 1964 and created the Sierra Leone.
In recent years, the core functions of the Ports were privatized through Concession Agreement granted to Africa Global Logistics (Freetown Terminal Limited) to operate the container terminal and Necter Sierra Leone Bulk Terminal (NSBT) to operate bulk and break-bulk cargoes. Meanwhile, the Sierra Leone Ports and Harbours Authority (SLPHA) Act No. 29 was enacted in May 2023 (which repealed and replaced the Ports Act of 1964) primarily conferring landlord and created the Sierra Leone Ports Authority.
The Port of Freetown prioritizes security and safety and has over the years taken measures to keep the Port safe and secured. Accordingly, the Port of Freetown received a PASS in 2029 as being ISPS compliant after a security audit was conducted by the United States Coast Guard on ISPS code.
MSC operates services to and from the Freetown Terminal at the Queen Elizabeth II. The port operates with seven (7) major berths 1-4 for break bulk and 5 & 6 for RORO and 7 for container vessels
SOLAS VGM Information
SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) regulations require the shipper to provide VGM in a “shipping document”, either as part of the shipping instruction or in a separate communication before vessel loading.
What do I need to include in my VGM instructions?
The following must be included in all VGM instructions:
- Booking or Bill of Lading number
- Container number
- VGM + weight measurement unit (kgs)
- Responsible Party Name
How Can I submit my VGM instructions?
- myMSC
- Manually
- Email or send the hard copy of the NSBT certificate to our office in Freetown.
Demurrage and Per Diem
Demurrage is the charge applicable, after the free time expires, inside the terminal for the use of the land.
In case of doubts regarding demurrage, please mail to:
What is Per Diem?
Per Diem is the charge applicable, after the free time expires, for the use of the carrier’s container (full or empty) outside the marine terminal, rail ramp or container yard.

Cargo Loading

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