
Conectando Senegal con el mundo

Sobre la base de una presencia de más de 20 años en el puerto de Dakar en Senegal, MSC estableció MSC Senegal en 2001 para ofrecer a los clientes acceso a los servicios las 24 horas del día y los 365 días del año. Con el apoyo de infraestructuras de última generación, MSC Senegal cuenta con la certificación ISO-90001 (versión 2008).

Póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo para solicitar un presupuesto, reservar o saber más sobre nuestros servicios locales


Detention, demurrage and storage 


This is the charge applicable, after the free time expires for the use of the carrier’s full container after discharge inside the marine terminal up to gate out full date. 

Demurrage Freetime while in port: 10 days for dry and three days free for reefers 

Plugging: 2 days free time in terminal 


This is the charge applicable, after the free time expires, for the use of the carrier’s container (full or empty) outside the marine terminal. 

Detention while with client: 4 days free time 


This is the charge applicable, after the free time expires, inside the terminal for the use of the land. Tariff is based SEMPOS commodity base per ton.

Storage in terminal: 10 days free time 

Special setup: NoR = DV/HC conditions  


Cargo in transit

Cargo in transit

Cargo in transit is accepted to neighbouring countries (Mali, Gambia, Guinea, Bissau, Banjul, Mauritania etc). 



 Merchant haulage start: Last equipment from vessel discharge 

Gate-out empty day/after: Include gate-Out empty day gate-out full day/after: Exclude gate-out full day in client calculation gate-in full day/after: Include gate-in full day 

Carrier's haulage start day or after: Same day as carrier's haulage  

Start move Container rental end: Last equipment from vessel discharge.  

Currency: EUR 

Prohibited cargo

Second-hand cars, cycles and mopeds: 

  • Private vehicles more than eight (8) years old 
  • Commercial vehicles with a weight fully loaded less than 3.5 tons and more than eight (8) years old 
  • Passenger vehicles with a minimum of seven (7) seats and more than eight (8) years old 
  • Heavy goods vehicles with a weight fully loaded of more than 3.5 tons and more than ten (10) years old
  • Used cycles and motorcycles with a cubic capacity not exceeding 50 cubic centimetres (50cm3) 

NO exemption is allowed in the application of these new rules unless for the following cases: 

  • Private vehicles more than eight (8) years old imported by Senegalese officials established overseas returning at home; 
  • All vehicles discharged in transit not destinated to Senegal (ie in transit to Mali, Gambia, etc) 

For exempted vehicles, importers must request and obtain authorisation from customs authorities before loading. Therefore, all booking agents are required to ask for MSC Dakar's agreement before accepting the shipment. 

 CTN or BSC is mandatory for all shipments destined for Senegal 

 The import of plastic waste into the national territory is prohibited: in the event of imports of plastic waste, these are seized and re-exported to the country of origin or provenance at the expense of the importer, without prejudice to criminal prosecution. 

 All fines will be debited as follows: 

  • Custom fine around 3X vessel and cargo value (custom code)
  • Disbursement Fee USD 2000 per container 

Poultry products and equipment are prohibited 

The above list is non-exhaustive. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact MSC Senegal

Pesaje de contenedores (VGM)

Todas las oficinas locales del MSC disponen de básculas certificadas para registrar y verificar el peso de los contenedores (masa bruta verificada o VGM) de acuerdo con la normativa de Seguridad de la Vida Humana en el Mar (SOLAS). Las instrucciones VGM son obligatorias para todos los envíos por razones de seguridad. Los operadores de los buques solo pueden cargar contenedores para los que se haya verificado su peso. Póngase en contacto con su equipo local de MSC para obtener más información y asistencia.

Carga de la mercancía

Las instalaciones de manipulación de cargas de MSC están estratégicamente situadas para garantizar la carga eficiente y puntual de las mercancías para la exportación y la importación. También ofrecemos servicios de consolidación de carga y recarga, embalaje, desembalaje y carga cruzada de contenedores a camiones.

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Última actualización: 2025-03-25T02:47:00