A Leading and Efficient Logistics Partner with an Excellent Rail Network in Austria

Benefit from
Access to Local Short Sea Experts
Our dedicated local Short Sea specialists and our experienced team in Austria are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your cargo has a safe and smooth journey, from loading to delivery.
End-to-End Transport Solutions
We offer a full-service package including customs procedures, TCC arrangement, sealing, insurance and much more. By combining shipping services with our cost-efficient European inland operations we ensure a smooth journey for your shipments.
Gateway to Central Europe The ports of Trieste and Koper are the most efficient gateways to Central Europe where MSC has regular rail and vessel operations. With our unique rail connections to and from Austria we also serve the Central European countries of Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic and South of Germany.
Inland Terminal Network
The convenient positioning of our containers in various inland terminals offers you the flexibility to pick-up and deliver containers within your local region.