
World Whale Day this year was on Sunday February 16th and to mark the occasion we have launched a new video celebrating these giants of sea and their huge significance to the planet. The video also explores how MSC is leading the industry in protecting endangered whale populations.
Why are whales important?
Whales are essential to maintaining healthy marine ecosystems, supporting marine food chains and storing carbon in their bodies over their long lifespans, which helps combat climate change.
By circulating nutrients through their movement and feeding habits, whales help support phytoplankton growth. These microscopic algae form the base of the marine food web and through photosynthesis absorb CO2 and generate half of the Earth's oxygen supply.
How MSC is leading the way
MSC is at the forefront of industry efforts to support these endangered populations. From crew training and reducing noise emissions to rerouting vessels and reducing speeds to avoid ship-strikes, MSC has long been a passionate advocate for industry-wide action.
Find out more about MSC's efforts on whale protection.
On this World Whales Day, we reiterate our commitment to working closely with whale experts, governments and industry peers to scale these efforts to ensure that by working together we can deliver meaningful, lasting results.