Customer Notice Regarding Francis Scott Key Bridge Baltimore Situation
This notice follows our customer advisory from 26 March 2024 pertaining to the tragic allision of the M/S Dali at Baltimore with the Francis Scott Key Bridge causing its collapse.
Passage to and from Baltimore is at this time impossible and will not be reestablished for several weeks if not months.
More specific information will be communicated to each customer in due course but in light of the compelling situation, MSC is bound to modify its vessels routing and booking policies as follows:
1. Containers already on the water will be rerouted and discharged at an alternate port where they will be made available for pick-up upon completion of the usual import documentary procedure. For these shipments, the contract of carriage will be declared terminated at this alternate port and storage, D&Ds and on-carriage costs to the initially intended destination will be for the sole cargo’s account. Our local agency will advise you individually with the alternate port in due course.
2. For Containers at origin POL (whether gated in or booked but not yet gated in) please urgently contact your origin booking office immediately to decide whether you wish your cargo to be carried to the alternate ports in the USA. COD fee for these replacement destinations will be exceptionally waived.
IMPORTANT - No container will be loaded without a COD having been first performed and accepted by MSC. For containers without a new destination, the voyage will be declared ended at port of loading and all local idling costs and/or drayage will be for cargo’s account.
3. No new import bookings will be accepted to Baltimore until further notice.
IMPORTANT – For containers without COD to alternative ports of loading, the voyage will be declared ended.
MSC apologises for the disruption caused by this contingency plan which is required in response to events beyond our control, but which is taken in compliance with the terms of the contract of carriage, notably clause 13 and 19 of the Bills of Lading T&CS, as found under Carrier Terms | MSC.
Should you have any questions, please contact your local MSC representatives.