Mediterranean Shipping Company wishes to advise that it shall omit the following sailing on the Eastbound leg, to adjust to the upcoming holiday period:
Week 02 Omission
SWAN Service
MSC Clara, Voyage FW802E, ETA Felixstowe 07.01.2018
Week 04 Omission
LION Service
MSC Beatrice, Voyage FL804E, ETA Sines 18.01.2018, ETA Antwerp 21.01.2018
Week 07 Omission
SWAN Service
MSC Ditte, Voyage FL807E, ETA Felixstowe 11.02.2018, ETA Antwerp 14.02.2018
Despite these alterations, you would be able to continue to place your bookings as usual.
We are committed to providing an uninterrupted service for your cargo needs, and are therefore arranging alternative routings. Detailed contingency plans are already in place.
In the meantime, for any questions or concerns regarding this information, please contact your local MSC office.
We thank you for your continued support.