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Keeping apples as fresh and as delicious as the day they were picked.

Elevate Your MSC iReefer Experience with our Pro and Ultimate Packages

Stay always on top of your reefer cargo shipments with MSC iReefer.

Global Carriers to the Core

Did you know that antipodean apples are shipped all around the world, even long distances to markets in Europe?

In fact, New Zealand is among the world’s largest exporters of apples, with an annual export volume estimated at 402,000 metric tons. The lush, temperate climate of New Zealand provides perfect growing conditions, and the southern hemisphere location means that fresh fruit can be supplied to countries outside of their own apple seasons.

MSC has become one of the leading carriers of New Zealand apples thanks to our extensive network and global port coverage. MSC vessels call at every key destination for the New Zealand apple export market, providing apple growers with a truly worldwide reach.

  • Cutting-edge
    reefer technology

  • Global coverage

  • Dedicated customer support team

Did you know?

Varieties of New Zealand apples include Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Braeburn, Honeycrisp and Fuji.

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Experts in Reefer Container Transport

MSC operates a world-class reefer fleet, incorporating the very latest technology. Apples from New Zealand often travel some of the longest reefer sea miles to access European markets, and MSC’s advanced reefer technology help ensure the apples reach their destination as fresh as the day they left the shores of the North or South island.

MSC’s PRIMELINE and NaturaLINE containers are the most efficient and environmentally friendly refrigeration units available, keeping perishable fruit like apples in optimum conditions throughout their time with us.

How are Apples Shipped?

Like any fruit, great care needs to be taken of apples during their transport, especially from New Zealand where sea journeys of 10,000 miles or more may be required. After harvesting the apples should be stored in temperatures between 0°C to +4°C.


During shipping the cooling process continues. The temperature of reefer containers that contain apples should not fall below freezing. If they do there is a risk of apples spoiling. Equally, if exposed to warmer temperatures apples will sweat and moisten, with a risk of bacterial infection. Humidity in containers should be maintained at 90-95%.

Service Beyond the Port

MSC’s intermodal solutions provide safe and integrated transportation throughout the entire apple cargo supply chain, saving time and simplifying operations, integrating logistics from farm to port. Offering truck and rail solutions before and after ocean transport, MSC provides tailor-made solutions to care for your apple cargo.

Did you know?

New Zealand exports apples to around 80 countries in total.

Because you Need more than Port-to-Port Services

  • Intermodal transportation

  • Digital business

  • Customs Clearance

  • MSC Cargo Insurance

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