세관 통관

Why Choose MSC for your Customs Clearance Support Service

For businesses involved in importing and exporting, being able to get your goods through customs as quickly and efficiently as possible is vital. That’s why at MSC, our customs clearance services are designed to make your customs process as simple as possible so that you can avoid major delays in your overall supply chain.

We have a dedicated UK team of experts, who are on hand to guide you through every step of the customs clearance process. Their experience and skill mean you can rely on them to ensure your goods get through customs as quickly as possible.

Discover our complete range of customs clearance services or contact us for further guidance.

  • 현지 전문가, 글로벌 운송망

  • 수출입 절차에 대한 깊은 지식

  • 불필요한 지연이나 비용 방지

  • 전체 세관 통관 간소화

알고 계셨습니까?

영국에서는 수입되는 모든 화물이 세관 및 기타 정부 기관의 규정을 준수하고 HM 국세청(HMRC)에 정식으로 신고되어야 합니다.

세관 통관 서비스

MSC를 파트너로 선택하면 전체 통관 절차의 스트레스가 제거될 뿐 아니라 전문가 팀과 협력할 수 있습니다. 대리점 대부분이 AEO와 CT-PAT 등 세관 인증을 받았기 때문에 통관 시 우선시되며 검사 단축을 활용하여 신속하고 효율적으로 화물을 처리하고 잠재적 지연 위험을 줄이는 데 도움이 됩니다.

Local Experts, Global Networks

Our teams of local networks are committed to helping you find the best solutions throughout our transportation process, including customs clearance.

We also offer a diverse range of services, including:
• MSC container clearance
• Third-party container clearance
• Trailer clearance

No matter how your goods are being imported, we’ll find the best service for you.

Advantages of Using a Customs Clearance Service

Not only do we have a dedicated UK customs clearance team, but as an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO), we ensure your cargo is processed through customs in the quickest, most efficient way. Whether you’re importing hazardous, temperature-controlled, project, or general goods, our in-house customs clearance services ensure a smooth and transparent transportation process.

Other advantages of using a customs clearance service include:
• Avoiding unnecessary delays or expenses
• Suitable product identification
• Alternative import and export solutions
• Easier overall customs clearance

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