
Connecting Peru to the world

MSC Peru started operating in the country in 1994. Since then, we have grown sustainably to become a leading company in the sector, developing authentic, close, respectful, and human relationships as collaborators, as well as with customers and suppliers.


We offer direct services in CallaoPaita and Pisco to and from the most important ports in Northern Europe, Asia, and North America, as well as global coverage through our transshipment ports.




Agriculture: fruits, vegetables, coffee, cocoa
Food & Beverage: fishmeal, foodstuff and seafood
Mining & minerals
Paper and related products
Plastic and related products: resins

We are 150 collaborators at the MSC offices in Lima, Callao and Paita.


In Peru, we offer inland transport solutions from Callao & Paita to the most important cities.

Wharfage on discharging & loading full containers
Trucking from the port to off dock terminals plus trucking services to the main cities of the country
Terminal Services: gate in & out of the full containers
Customs brokerage
Inspections and certifications

For quotations and bookings:
Perú Exports Dry:
Perú Exports Reefers:
Perú Imports:

현지 사무소 정보

Demurrage for Peru Imports

What is demurrage?

Demurrage is the charge applicable after the free time expires, for the usage of a container in import status.
In Peru, demurrage is collected in advanced, which means that before the empty unit returned, all demurrage charges should be collected and invoiced.

In case of demurrage disputes, please send an email to MSC Peru Demurrage Control Team, showing the details of the dispute, the BL number and other additional information regarding your case in the email´s subject.

Payment flow of demurrage

Whenever a Demurrage payment is performed, this should be addressed to MSC Peru Counter Team, including the general information of the shipment for invoicing purposes. 

Questions about demurrage and other solutions linked to these costs?
In case you need assistance regarding the following topics, you can contact us or use our online solutions. 

1. To validate the demurrage free days granted for an import shipment, you can go to our website EXTRANET MSC PERU using the BL number and the option “Calcular Sobreestadía”: See Here.
2. To validate the demurrage charges generated by an import shipment, you can go to our website EXTRANET MSC PERU using the BL number and the option “Consultar Sobreestadía”: See Here.
3. To obtain the “Memorándum de Devolución”; which is a document that establishes the place, condition, and time for returning the import units, you can go to our website EXTRANET MSC PERU using the BL number and the option “Descargar Memo”: See Here.
4. To request general support about the use of the website, you can contact MSC Peru E-Commerce Support Team

Detention for Peru Exports

What is detention?

Detention is the charge applicable after the free time expires, for the usage of a container in export status.  

Payment flow of detention
Whenever a Detention payment is performed, this should be addressed to MSC Peru Demurrage & Detention Control Team for registration process and for instructing the corresponding invoicing operation.
To request the invoicing of other export charges like Booking Rollover Fee, Late Cancelation Fee, VGM Late Submission Fee and others, you may contact MSC Peru Counter Expo Team

Local Charges



Standard Local Services    Amounts in US dollars. Not including 18% VAT
Effective until March 31st, 2025

 ITEM IMPO 20´ & 40´ EXPO 20´ & 40´
 Box Fee  167.00 128.00
 Doc Fee  120.00  120.00


CALLAO PORT   Amounts in US dollars. Not including 18% VAT

  C20 C40 C40'RH
GATE OUT (Expo) 145.00 145.00 160.00
GATE IN (Impo) 205.00 205.00 225.00


PAITA PORT                                                                                                                                                                             Amounts in US dollars. Not including 18% VAT

C20 C40 C40'RH
GATE OUT (Expo) 330.00 440.00 440.00
GATE IN (Impo)  230.00 230.00   230.00






Optional Services                                                                                                                                                                                          Amounts in US dollars. Not including 18% VAT

Effective until March 31st, 2025

ITEM IMPO 20´ & 40´ EXPO 20´ & 40´ REMARK
Port Agents documentary rectification 100.00 100.00 Per request
Customs Documentary Service 100.00 100.00 Per BL
Customs Declaration Service 100.00 100.00 Per BL 
Spare Parts administrative fee 100.00  Per request
Change of condition (Medlog) 500.00 -  Per container
Change of condition (other depots) 100.00 - Per container
New invoice    25.00     25.00 Per document
Late cancellation / roll over fee 20 ́ - 100.00 Per container
Late cancellation / roll over fee 40 ́ - 200.00 Per container 
Late cancellation / roll over fee 40 ́ High Reefer -  500.00 Per container 
Transhipment certificate issued by MSC Peru 130.00 130.00 Per BL
IMO labelling service    20.00 Per container
Coffee labelling -     25.00   Per container
Invoice copy (current year)      10.00       10.00    Per document
Invoice copy (past years)    20.00   20.00  Per invoice
BL correction for customs -   30.00 Per BL 
Booking amendment fee -   15.00 Per booking 
Booking amendment fee after delivery -     50.00  Per booking 
OBL correction -    68.00 Per BL
VGM Misdeclaration fee
-  100.00 Per container 
Legalized manifest corrector -   225.00  Per manifest corrector
Elsewhere Handling Fee     50.00  Per BL
Import BL issuance     57.00 Per BL
Late shipping instruction  -   50.00  Per BL 
Telex release fee
 -   57.00 Per BL 
Container Lining 20 ́ Coffee
 -    25.00   Per container
Container Lining 20 ́ Fishmeal (applicable Callao)  -    25.00    Per container
Container Lining 20 ́ Fishmeal (applicable Paita)    30.00   Per container 
Container Lining 20 ́ Minerals (applicable Callao)    30.00   Per container 
Container Lining 20 ́ Wet Blue 100.00 Per container 
Container Lining 40 ́ Cocoa    50.00 Per container 
Container Lining 40 ́ Fishmeal (applicable Callao)    50.00   Per container
Container Lining 40 ́ Fishmeal (applicable Paita)    60.00 Per container
Administrative expenses (returned checks)  100.00 100.00 Per check
Administrative re-invoicing expenses     25.00     25.00 Per invoice 
Administrative expenses (demurrage/detention)  10%  10% Over the total dem/det amount 
Penalty for late payment          0.00

Applicable per calendar day from ETD/ETA to day 14.
Applicable per calendar day from day 15 ETD/ETA to day 24.
Applicable per calendar day from day 25 - towards.

Additional Seal     25.00  Per container 
Additional Pre Trip Inspection     80.00 Per container 
BL reprinting  -      65.00  Per BL 
Cold treatment assistance reschedule  -  110.00  Per container
HBL revision  105.00  105.00  Per BL
Devolution request - Overpayments (past year)     50.00     50.00   Per payment
Devolution request - Overpayments (current year)      50.00      50.00 Per request
Devolution request for wrong payment     50.00      50.00  Per payment 
Request of payment application     50.00     50.00 Per payment 
Customs documentary service for penalties / fines     50.00      50.00  Per BL 
Reshipping process (per container)  500.00  Per container
Document delivery     25.00      25.00  Per document 
VGM Late Submission -  100.00 Per container 
Booking Weight Misdeclaration Fee -  100.00 Per container 
Incorrect Seal Fee  - 1000.00   Per container
Container Reassignment Fee  -    50.00 Per container 
Certificate issued by Transhipment port customs  150.00 - Per BL
Late payment of freight and/or custody/instruction of BL  -   0.00
Per BL per day from BL date to day 15
Per BL and per day from day 16 to 20
  Per BL and per day from day 21 to 30
Per BL and per day from day 31-onwards
Late payment of freight at destination


 -   Per BL and per day from ETA to day 5
  Per BL and per day from day 6 to 10
 Per BL and per day from 11-onwards 
Static Check
-  350.00 Per container
USDA Sensor -     40.00 Per container 
Controlled Atmosphere Curtain  -   100.00  Per container
Controlled Atmosphere Curtain Installation  170.00 Per container 
Controlled Atmosphere Curtain external tape sealing     70.00 Per container 
Inland Repositioning Fee -  500.00  Per container
Reefer Setting Change -     70.00  Per container
Cold Treatment Service Reschedule  - 110.00 Per container 
Second Cold Treatment Service   - 300.00  Per container 
Controlled Atmosphere Kit   - 100.00  Per container
Additional controlled atmosphere gassing service   -  450.00 Per container
Container reassigning  -     50.00   Per container
Abroad repositioning fee - 600.00 Per container

Export Documentation & Local Procedures

Export local procedures

Shipping instructions 
Please refer to the myMSC or INTTRA platform for the registration and for sending shipping instructions. You should send complete and final instructions for corresponding bills of lading through this system.

In case you have any problem with this platform, please contact directly:

E-mail :

E-mail :
Phone: 0800 78 279
Live Chat :                                                  

You can find all the information for filling out your document at this link:

BLs to order – Shipments to USA- CANADA

  • The USA & Canada Customs regulations allow to manifest endorsed BLs complying with the following requirements:
  • The consignee must read “TO ORDER OF (ANY COMPANY)”.  It is not allowed the expression “TO ORDER” neither in Spanish (A la orden de..)
  • The following terms can be used:
  • To order of
  • To order of Shipper
  • To order of the Shipper
  • To the order of
  • To the order of shipper
  • In case of:

To Order of Company: Consignee complete details must be included.
To Order of a Bank: All the bank details, including contact and address, must be declared.

The Notify must always be the real receiver with an address in the USA.
For cargo “in transit” through USA & Canada, the same requirements apply, but the Notify should not be necessarily in the USA or Canada. And a second Notify could be manifested.

 BL issuance at Origin Origin : Three originals of BLs + copies
Destination: N/A
 BL issuance at Destination Origin: BL copies
Destination: Three originals of BLs + copies
 Telex Release Origin: N/A
Destination: Copies
 Express Release / Sea Waybill Origin: Copies as SWB
Destination: Copies
 Electronic BL Origin : eBL via Wave
Destination: N/A
 (*) The type of issuance is subject to POD restrictions.

Import Documentation 

Seal number manifested on the BL must be the same as the physical one attached to the container when it is discharged. Consider that all information manifested on the BL should be truthful in order to avoid fines and further penalties with customs. Weight must be declared in Kgs.

All household goods & personal effects cargo must be consigned to a NVOCC or FFW. It is NOT acceptable to consign a single person. For additional information, please contact:

We only release BLs directly to the consignee or to the consignee's customs broker with corresponding consignee´s authorization signed in a legal letter.
We accept original BLs, Telex release, print at POD, SWB and eBL.

For Telex release and Print at POD instructions, please contact:

If BL is “TO ORDER” and the instruction is a Telex release or printing at POD, the shipper must provide a LOI for unendorsed BL.

Local Fee to print BLs at POD is USD 57 + IVA (18%).

For any Import documentation requirement, you can always contact:


Government approval status

  • The authority in charge of implementing this procedure in Peru is the National Port Authority (APN). 
  • The tolerance between the VGM submitted by the client versus the weight registered at the marine terminal should not exceed 3%. 
  • Controls can be random
  • All scales for the VGM providers must be duly certified by INACAL (National Institute of Quality). 
  • Containers can enter the marine terminal without a VGM, but they will not be loaded until the VGM is submitted to the shipping line

    What to include in your VGM instructions?
  • Booking number 
  • Container number 
  • VGM + unit (Kgs) 
  • Authorized person’s signature (submitter of the VGM who may be authorized to act on behalf of shippers) 
  • Responsible party name

How to submit your VGM instructions?

  • myMSC
  • EDI (via Terminals - INTTRA)

Deadlines for sending your VGM instructions 
24 hours before vessel´s ETA. 

Admin fees and costs 
 MSC will apply an administrative fee in the following cases: 

  • VGM is submitted late, after the aforementioned deadline.
  • Misdeclaration fee when MSC finds a discrepancy between the VGM submitted by the shipper versus the weight registered at the booking. 

All units must enter the marine terminal with a valid VGM certificate. In case the same is missing or the discrepancy is higher than the authorized tolerance (3%), the shipper must request the terminal to issue a new VGM, otherwise, the container will not be loaded, and all related costs will have to be faced by the shipper.  

Contact information 
Export Customer Service Department
Phone: +511 221 7561 

Prohibited Cargo

Prohibited cargo

Please see below for Local Customs website:



Prohibited goods:
Prohibited goods are those that are prohibited to enter or leave the country by Customs law.

Restricted goods:
Restricted goods are those that by legal mandate require the authorization of one or more competent entities to enter the country.

Special Customs Regulations

Special Customs Regulations

As of November 14, 2016, the Peruvian Customs requires Tax ID number of consignee and Notify to be specified in the manifest. The Tax ID number is called RUC in Peru.
TAX ID will be declared through the TMS code.  Tax ID manifested to Peruvian Customs will be based on MSC Code, manifesting agents have to ensure that the TMS code used from cnee/notify should include TAX ID info.
Please include this mandatory information in the Shipping Instructions for all your shipments to Peru. Customs will apply a fine or other measures if the manifest does not include this information.

For further information, please contact:

For donation cargo, shipment must be previously accepted by our Imports Department, together with the LOI signed by the shipper, taking responsibility for any uncovered charges at destination.

Consider for the transit and transhipment cargo at the port of Callao – our local authorities request that description must be shown in detail with the quantity of packages of the cargo. Otherwise, cargo is going to be seized as they are “undeclared cargo” for Peruvian Customs.
Consider that import cargo with error data or incomplete in fields of consignee or description, will be subject to a fine of US$ 140.00 per BL.



About used cars and motorcycles

Comparative Table - Minimum Quality Requirements for Importing Used Vehicles

Through Supreme Decree No. 005-2020-MTC and in accordance with Article 1 of Legislative Decree No. 843 that regulates the minimum quality requirements for the import of used vehicles, the following was modified:

Article 1.- Since November 1, 1996, the importation of used motor vehicles, for the transport of passengers or goods, that complies with the minimum quality requirements indicated below, was modified as follows: 

a. Be no older than two (2) years. The age of vehicles is calculated from the model year. The import of used vehicles with compression ignition engines (diesel) of categories L, M and N, except for subcategories M3 and N3, is prohibited.

b. The mileage of motor vehicles must not exceed the limits detailed in the following chart:

 Category  Maximum Age (years)  Maximum Distance (kilometers)
 L  2  20,000
 M1  2  32,000
 M2  2  36,000
 M3  2  120,000
 N1  2  36,000
 N2  2  120,000
 N3  2  240,000

Compliance with this quality requirement must be accredited by SUNAT and the actual mileage must be recorded in the import documents. In addition, the Verifying Entities must state that the vehicle maintains this requirement at the time of its nationalization in the respective Inspection Report. 

c.  Has not suffered an accident such as: rollover, substantial frontal, side or rear collision, fire, crushing, dismantling, water damage (flood, submersion, or prolonged exposure), damage due to radioactive exposure, damage considered non-repairable or non-rebuildable, or other type of substantial material damage that causes its partial or total loss, or that for any reason has been declared in the country of origin or provenance as a partial or total loss.         

d. Comply with the Maximum Permissible Limits of atmospheric emissions required for new motor vehicles, in accordance with current regulations on atmospheric emissions.

Other considerations about Peruvian Customs Regulations:

Used spare parts for vehicles (cars) and used tires are prohibited/restricted products.

Important note: The importation of used motors, parts and pieces destined for land transport are only allowed for certain HS codes and must be remanufactured and have the documentation required (Authorization from the supplier of remanufacture, certificate of the remanufacture, warranty certificate of the fabric specifying that auto parts have been remanufactured) For more information, please consider the following links: INFORME N° 012-2021-SUNAT/340000; Decreto Supremo N° 058-2003-MTC (Art, 144 and 148).

Machinery for the industry is allowed, such as truck, forklift, etc - vehicles that are not operated within the National Road Transportation System.

As per Peruvian regulation, the maximum time allowed to clear cargoes in all Peruvian ports should not exceed 15 calendar days (legal abandonment).

After this period, cargoes are kept under Customs Authorities control.

Consignees can still recover their cargoes, but they have to deal directly with Customs Authorities through a Customs Agent and pay all fines (provided the cargo was not already sold in a public auction).

Peruvian Customs Regulations links:
Import of vehicles
Import of vehicles - Antiquity requirements
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Prohibited Cargo

화물 선적

MSC의 화물 처리 시설은 수출입을 위한 화물의 효율적이고 적시에 적재할 수 있도록 전략적으로 배치되어 있습니다. 또한 컨테이너에서 트럭까지 화물 통합, 적재 및 재적재, 포장, 개봉 및 교차 적재 서비스도 제공합니다.

컨테이너 무게 측량 (VGM)

모든 MSC 지역 사무소는 SOLAS(국제해상인명안전협약) 규정에 따라 컨테이너 중량(검증된 총 중량 또는 VGM)을 기록하고 검증하기 위해 인증된 척도를 제공합니다. VGM 지침은 안전을 위해 모든 선적에 필수적이며 선박 운영자는 컨테이너의 중량이 적절하게 확인된 경우에만 적재할 수 있습니다. 자세한 정보 및 지원이 필요하면 현지 MSC 팀에 문의하세요.

결과가 없습니다

마지막 업데이트: 2025-03-25T13:20:00