MSC Announces New Strategic Cooperation

MSC is pleased to announce that we have agreed a new strategic cooperation with Maersk Line and Hyundai Merchant Marine.
The cooperation has been agreed outside the scope of the 2M vessel sharing agreement. It includes a combination of slot exchanges and slot purchases between the parties.
The agreement is scheduled to begin in April 2017 subject to regulatory approval. The initial term of the cooperation is three years and covers key East-West trades.
Caroline Becquart, Senior Vice President of MSC said:
“We are pleased to have agreed terms with Hyundai and Maersk Line in a new strategic cooperation. This cooperation allows MSC to enhance its market-leading network, providing new transport opportunities for our customers.”
The agreement primarily sees Hyundai purchasing slots on 2M vessels with the 2M partners also purchasing a number of slots with Hyundai on selected routes.
Caroline continued “Our focus is on providing the highest standards of reliability and stability, in which our customers can continue to have great confidence. The detail of the agreement, its structure and guarantees have been carefully considered with this in mind.”