- MSC is disappointed and highly concerned by the incorrect and misleading interpretation of data presented by Transport & Environment in relation to MSC carbon emissions reported under the EU MRV scheme.
- The ratio of CO2 emissions per ton of cargo MSC moves is among the lowest in the industry.
- A complete analysis of the raw data recorded in the EU MRV shows that only 40-45% of the emissions reported by MSC, a global carrier, apply to the geographical area of the EU.
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), a global leader in shipping and logistics, is heavily investing in its fleet and low-carbon technology to support decarbonising the shipping industry.
In response to the recent analysis conducted by a NGO Transport & Environment on carbon emissions in the EU, MSC issued the following statement:
In addition to its massive investment in reducing emissions, MSC fully supports reporting CO2 emissions transparently and precisely in the European Union (EU) Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system, as mandated by EU legislation.
To provide a comprehensive and accurate conclusion, CO2 emissions should be compared on an equal basis. An analysis focusing on shipping emissions in the EU should only take into account emissions which actually occurred in the geographical area of the EU, if it is going to be compared to other sources limited to the same area. This is particularly relevant for a global company such as MSC, which operates in all the world’s major shipping lanes. A complete analysis would show that only 40-45% of the emissions reported by MSC in the MRV were actually in the EU. In addition, a correct analysis would also show that MSC has achieved 2.5% YOY (year-over-year) reduction in absolute emissions under the EU MRV scheme in a single year.
Also, the raw data in this report reflects MSC’s leadership position (volume) in Europe and should be put into context with the amount of cargo carried. The ratio of CO2 emissions per ton of cargo MSC moves is among the lowest in the industry.
Around 90% of the world’s trade is transported by sea. As an essential cog for global trade, MSC like other shipping lines, is a carrier bringing people everyday goods such as medicines, food, fresh produce and clothes. Without shipping, these goods would need to be transported by road or air which would significantly increase carbon emissions.
Read the full statement here.
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