Equipment Imbalance Surcharge for Reefer Cargo - Trade Europe to Middle East and Far East
Due to the strong demand of reefer containers for European exports, and consequent need of costly ad hoc inventory repositioning, MSC will implement an Equipment Imbalance Surcharge (EBS) for the reefer cargo moving from Europe to Middle East Gulf and Far East.
As from 10 November (booking date) until further notice, the EBS will be charged:
- Export NWC (incl. UK, Ireland, Northern Spain & Portugal) to Far East and Middle East: USD 500 per reefer container
- Export Baltic Countries to Far East and Middle East: USD 500 per reefer container
- Export Scandinavia to Far East and Middle East: USD 500 per reefer container
- Export West Med Countries to Far East and Middle East: USD 500 per reefer container
- Export Adriatic Countries (incl. Balkans, South Central Europe) to Far East and Middle East: USD 500 per reefer container
- Export Greece & Türkiye to Far East and Middle East: USD 500 per reefer container
- Export East Med Countries to Far East and Middle East: USD 500 per reefer container
- Export Black Sea Countries to Far East and Middle East: USD 500 per reefer container
Any other elements of the price, as indicated in the last EU Price Announcements for the relevant trades published on, still apply and remain unchanged. Please consult MSC’s website or contact your local agent for any further information.