Connecting Austria to the world
Contact our team to request a quote, book or find out more about our local services
What we offer
At MSC, we believe that global success depends on local solutions and local expertise. Discover our complete range of services to or from Austria.
100% Pre- Carriage/on-Carriage
MSC Austria offers to transport your cargo without a single meter on the road.
A full sustainable solution, not a single meter on the road, no congestions, a single point of contact using an existing efficient network without volume commitment.
MSC Austria is proud to offer a “100% pure rail pre-carriage/on-carriage” to its customers in cooperation with the OEBB group subsidiaries Terminal Service Austria, Rail Cargo Operator, Rail Cargo Austria, and other valued local partners such as LCA and LEX in Villach and TO Delta, Alpe Adria and Trieste Marine Terminal in Trieste.
Your benefits:
- 100% pure rail pre-carriage/on-carriage
- No meter on the road without volume commitment
- Use of existing resources in Austria
- One single point of contact
CFS to CFS (container freight stations)
MSC Austria connects the existing Austrian railway infrastructure counting many private railway sidings to the shunting yard of Villach Fürnitz thanks to the existing Single Wagon Load service offered by OEBB. The conventional wagons stuffed or unstuffed in Villach will be transported individually in the Austrian network being competitive with the trucking market as there is no need of big volumes or commitments to access to this sustainable service.
In Villach the conventional wagons will be unloaded by the MSC Austria local partners LEX and TSA, the cargo will be then stuffed in containers and loaded onto the intermodal rail shuttle operated by RCO TO Delta and Alpe Adria running from Villach to Trieste till 3 times per week.
- Insurance
- One Stop Shop approach
- First class insurance partners
- All risks cover
- No deductible
- For dry& reefers warehouse to warehouse
- Easy quote & competitive rates
- Money back policy
Browse our Local Solutions for more.
Prohibited Cargo
- Meat and milk and any items thereof from non-EU countries except for limited amounts from Andorra, Croatia, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, and small amounts of specific products from other countries.
- Protected species and products thereof as listed by the CITES (e.g.: ivory, tortoise shell, coral, reptile skin, wood from Amazonian forests)
- No restriction for the quantity and value of exported items when leaving to non-EU country
- Currency – no restrictions if leaving for another EU country. Declarable for all travelling outside EU when amount exceeds €10,000 or equivalent.
For full details of prohibited cargo in Austria please visit the following sites: Import and Export regulations.
Caricamento della merce
Le strutture di movimentazione merci di MSC sono posizionate strategicamente per garantire un carico efficiente e tempestivo delle merci ai fini dell'esportazione e dell'importazione. Forniamo anche servizi di consolidamento del carico, caricamento e ricaricamento, imballaggio, disimballaggio e caricamento incrociato dai container ai camion.
Pesatura del container (VGM)
Tutti gli uffici locali di MSC forniscono bilance certificate per registrare e verificare il peso del container (massa lorda verificata o VGM) in linea con le normative SOLAS (Safety of Lives at Sea). Le istruzioni VGM sono obbligatorie per tutte le spedizioni per motivi di sicurezza e gli operatori navali possono caricare un container solo se il suo peso è stato debitamente verificato. Contatta la squadra locale MSC per maggiori informazioni e supporto.
Our team of in-house forestry experts enables us to provide dedicated cargo fumigation services for the seamless shipment of wood. As a specialist in log shipments, including a long track record of shipping wood to the Far East, we provide tailored support for all of our customers, including those with specific requirements due to the bark beetle infestation in Northern Europe.
Le nostre Soluzioni
Oltre a essere un leader globale nella spedizione di container, grazie ai nostri team mondiali di esperti specifici del settore possiamo offrire ai nostri clienti un servizio personalizzato 24 ore su 24, il che assicura tempi di transito rapidi e affidabili e la garanzia da parte nostra delle migliori soluzioni per le tue esigenze.
Oltre a essere un leader globale nella spedizione di container, grazie ai nostri team mondiali di esperti specifici del settore possiamo offrire ai nostri clienti un servizio personalizzato 24 ore su 24, il che assicura tempi di transito rapidi e affidabili e la garanzia da parte nostra delle migliori soluzioni per le tue esigenze.
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Ultimo aggiornamento: 2025-03-06T21:44:00