Connecting Morocco to the world
MSC Morocco is located in northwest Africa and is the only country in Africa with exposure to both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
MSC Morocco offers full coverage and global reach from our agencies conveniently located in Casablanca, Agadir and Nador.
Contatta il nostro team per richiedere un preventivo, prenotare o scoprire di più sui nostri servizi locali
Prohibited Cargo
The following are prohibited: military cargo, weapons, munitions, drugs, precious metals, gold, silver.
Due to the high occurrence of UAS cases involving handicrafts and personal effects, booking acceptance is subject to prior approval/personal effects export shipments are only accepted through professional moving companies.
Inland Solutions
Maximum weight for pre-carriage: 28mt, including Tara (payload to be respected).
- Customs to be performed by shippers at port of loading (Casablanca).
- Rate valid for 6 hours stuffing
- Over 6 hours foresee Truck immobilization of EUR 150/day.
All rates include VAT.
Note : Our guide tariffs concern only dry containers .Pre carriage cannot be performed for out -of gauge (OOG) and IMO(dangerous)cargo. For reefer shipments , contact our agency for pricing .
List of Terminals
Casablanca Port
MSC Morocco operates in the first port of the Kingdom and handless a very diversified traffic.
Agadir Port
MSC Morocco operates in the port of Agadir which is the main gateway for goods in the Southern region . It provides the region's economic operators with important multi-purpose and specialized facilities.
Nador Port
MSC Morocco in Nador port, which is the main gateway for imports and exports in the Oriental region.
MSC newly implemented admin fees and costs
- Manual verified gross mass (VGM) submission fee
- Manual booking fees
- Manual shipping instruction fees
- Late Bill of Lading (BL) pick-up fees
- Waiver request fees
- Manifest amendment fees
- Telex release/SWB fees
Pesatura del container (VGM)
Tutti gli uffici locali di MSC forniscono bilance certificate per registrare e verificare il peso del container (massa lorda verificata o VGM) in linea con le normative SOLAS (Safety of Lives at Sea). Le istruzioni VGM sono obbligatorie per tutte le spedizioni per motivi di sicurezza e gli operatori navali possono caricare un container solo se il suo peso è stato debitamente verificato. Contatta la squadra locale MSC per maggiori informazioni e supporto.
Caricamento della merce
Le strutture di movimentazione merci di MSC sono posizionate strategicamente per garantire un carico efficiente e tempestivo delle merci ai fini dell'esportazione e dell'importazione. Forniamo anche servizi di consolidamento del carico, caricamento e ricaricamento, imballaggio, disimballaggio e caricamento incrociato dai container ai camion.
Risultati non trovati
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2025-03-26T15:29:00