
ربط جورجيا بالعالم

تأسست شركة MSC Georgia LLC في عام 2009 ومنذ ذلك الحين نقدم خدمات الشحن لعملائنا في جورجيا وأرمينيا وأذربيجان مع الحفاظ على موقع الريادة في المنطقة.

MSC هو خط الشحن الوحيد الذي يتصل بميناء باتومي منذ أكثر من 15 عامًا.

Contact our  team to request a quote, book or find out more about our local services

معلومات المكاتب المحلية

Container rental and storage in Georgia

What is Container Rental?

Export or Import Container Rental (demurrage) is the charge applicable, after standard or extra free time expires, for the use of the carrier’s full container inside the marine terminal, railroad facilities or container yard and for the carrier’s full or empty container outside the marine terminal, rail ramp or container yard while with customer.

Import Container Rental charges are fees that the shipping line charges customer for not having picked up container from the terminal's facilities or depot and/or while with customer till empty container return to one of MSC terminals or depots.

Export Container Rental charges are fees that the shipping line charges customer for while with customer period or while at terminal/depot till loaded on the vessel.

What are storage charges?

A storage charge is applicable, after the free time expires, for containers left inside the rail ramp or container yard (for the use of the land).

Detention and demurrage: updated payment policy

  • If no credit terms, payment of demurrage shall be performed via wire transfer before container release.

Questions about detention, demurrage, Per Diem or storage charges?

Contact our Georgia team.

SOLAS VGM information for Georgia

What is VGM?

Verified Gross Mass or VGM refers to the exact, verified weight of a packed container. For safety reasons, vessel operators can only load a container if its weight has been verified.

In line with SOLAS (Safety of Lives at Sea) regulations, all marine terminals in the Georgia are now allowed to use their certified scales to record Verified Gross Mass (VGM) of shipments.

What do I need to include in my VGM instructions?

You must include the following on all VGM instructions: 

  • Booking or Bill of Lading (BL) number
  • Container number
  • VGM + weight measurement unit (lbs. or kgs.) 
  • Responsible Party Name
  • Digital signature of the authorized signatory in all CAPITAL LETTERS.

How can I submit my VGM instructions?

  • myMSC (Free of Charge) 
  • Manually (via IBOX )

Guidelines for submitting your VGM instructions

  • MSC prefers to receive a Shipper-Verified Gross Mass (VGM) via myMSC.com portal before cargo is delivered or right after sending BL instructions to the line.
    This helps to avoid any unexpected weighing charges or delays in container planned for firstly vessel.

MSC admin fees and costs 

  • Manual VGM Submission Fee (applies to email, and inclusion on standard shipping instructions): 25 USD per container.
  • Late submission (after cut off): USD 50xB/L+ USD 20 /box
  • Wrong submission: USD 500X B/L  +USD 30/box

Questions about VGM?

Contact our Georgia team.

What is POA?

According to the standard company procedures, only the named consignee or endorsee of the Bill of Lading is entitled to take delivery of the goods. Parties acting as agents or subcontractors of the consignee must be able to provide proof of their authority to take delivery on behalf of the consignee. Therefore, an appropriate Power Of Attorney, with relevant signature circular from the manifested consignee to their agent/proxy have to be provided prior cargo releases.

Prohibited cargo

Cargo prohibited for import

  • Certain narcotic or psychotropic substances and their precursors
  • Any form of radioactive waste
  • Pornographic materials
  • Ozone-depleting substances covered by the Montreal Protocol
  • Weapons, explosives, and ammunition (unless permitted)
  • Knives and other deadly weapons
  • Objects of national importance (unless permitted)
  • Plants and animals

Though the above items are the only ones prohibited, there are a number of goods that are heavily restricted.

Cargo prohibited for export
  • Articles of historical value
  • Intellectual property
  • Controlled drugs
  • Weaponry and firearms
  • Plants and animals

    In case of doubt, it is advisable to contact us to obtain the correct information from the authorities. You should be very aware of the possibility that if the proper documents are not in possession of consignee the cargo might be blocked for an indefinite period in the port.

وزن الحاوية (الكتلة الإجمالية التي تم التحقق منها)

توفر جميع مكاتب MSC المحلية موازين معتمدة لتسجيل والتحقق من وزن الحاوية (الكتلة الإجمالية التي تم التحقق منها أو VGM) بما يتماشى مع لوائح سلامة الأرواح في البحر (SOLAS). تُعد تعليمات الكتلة الإجمالية التي تم التحقق منها إلزامية لجميع الشحنات لأسباب تتعلق بالسلامة ولا يمكن لمشغلي السفن تحميل حاوية إلا إذا تم التحقق من وزنها بشكل مناسب. اتصل بفريق MSC المحلي للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات والدعم.

لم يتم العثور على نتائج

آخر تحديث: 2025-03-11T21:44:00