Why Choose MSC for your Customs Clearance Support Service

For businesses involved in importing and exporting, being able to get your goods through customs as quickly and efficiently as possible is vital. That’s why at MSC, our customs clearance services are designed to make your customs process as simple as possible so that you can avoid major delays in your overall supply chain.

We have a dedicated UK team of experts, who are on hand to guide you through every step of the customs clearance process. Their experience and skill mean you can rely on them to ensure your goods get through customs as quickly as possible.

Discover our complete range of customs clearance services or contact us for further guidance.

  • Especialistas locais, redes globais

  • Conhecimento profundo dos processos de importação e exportação

  • Evitando atrasos ou despesas desnecessárias

  • Descomplicamos o desembaraço aduaneiro

Você sabia?

No Reino Unido, toda a carga importada deve satisfazer os regulamentos da Alfândega e de outras agências governamentais e ser formalmente declarada ao HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

Nosso serviço de desembaraço aduaneiro

Além de eliminar o estresse dos procedimentos aduaneiros gerais, ser parceiro da MSC significa que você estará trabalhando com uma equipe de especialistas. Com o credenciamento aduaneiro na maioria de nossos escritórios, incluindo AEO e CT-PAT, nos beneficiamos de faixas prioritárias e verificações reduzidas, ajudando a garantir que sua carga possa ser processada de forma rápida e eficiente durante o desembaraço aduaneiro e ajudando a reduzir o risco de possíveis atrasos.

Local Experts, Global Networks

Our teams of local networks are committed to helping you find the best solutions throughout our transportation process, including customs clearance.

We also offer a diverse range of services, including:
• MSC container clearance
• Third-party container clearance
• Trailer clearance

No matter how your goods are being imported, we’ll find the best service for you.

Advantages of Using a Customs Clearance Service

Not only do we have a dedicated UK customs clearance team, but as an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO), we ensure your cargo is processed through customs in the quickest, most efficient way. Whether you’re importing hazardous, temperature-controlled, project, or general goods, our in-house customs clearance services ensure a smooth and transparent transportation process.

Other advantages of using a customs clearance service include:
• Avoiding unnecessary delays or expenses
• Suitable product identification
• Alternative import and export solutions
• Easier overall customs clearance

Get in touch