Meet the Trade Experts behind MSC’s European Short Sea Services


Meet the Trade Experts behind MSC’s European Short Sea Services


MSC has Europe covered with the broadest network of ports and inland connections, spreading from North to South and West to East reaching every corner of the continent. Since some years there has been growing demand for intra-European shipping services influenced by the lack of truck drivers in European market and the realization of economies of scale that shipping can present in supply chains.  

In the second of a series of MSC Insights on the European short sea market, Carlos Espanol, the North European trade manager covering an area including Atlantic Spain and Portugal to Scandinavia and Baltics with all the possible combinations in between, spoke about what it takes to shift the cargo from land based to sea transport and the main benefits of choosing the sea. 

MSC’s customers are in good hands with the support of our local dedicated teams who work hand-in-hand with the experienced European short sea trade managers willing to evaluate customer’s supply chains and recommend solutions that allow savings on cost and carbon emissions, ensure complete safety of cargo, as well provide flexibility in planning their logistics.  

Keep your eyes as well on the third episode coming soon where we introduce Michela Fonda responsible for the routes between the Scandinavia, Baltics, North West Continent to West and East Mediterranean. 

If you missed episode #1 with Luca Russo, the Intra-Mediterranean trade manager covering an area including Adriatic, Greece & Türkiye, East Mediterranean and Black Sea, you can watch his video here

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