Temporary Revision of Transpacific West Coast Network
As part of our continual efforts to enhance our product offering, we are pleased to inform you of improvements to our Asia to Pacific Northwest services. As a consequence of rail congestion and berthing restrictions in Vancouver, our 2M Eagle and Maple services have suffered reliability issues and extended transit times during 2022.
However, as of late October, the Eagle service will be merged into the Maple service, which will henceforth cover Vancouver and Prince Rupert. This change will remove the current waiting times in Vancouver and allow us to offer stable weekly departures from Asia and competitive transit times.
The new Maple rotation will start from voyage 243N, sailing from Xiamen on 28 October and be as follows:
Xiamen – Yantian – Ningbo – Shanghai – Busan – Yokohama – Vancouver – Prince Rupert – Yokohama – Busan
As from vessel voyage 242N, sailing from Xiamen on 22 October, and until further notice, there will be no more sailings on the Eagle service.
Seattle, and US inland destinations offered through Seattle, will continue to be served by our Chinook service.
Should you have any questions, please contact your local MSC representatives in our global network of more than 675 offices.