Schweden mit der Welt verbinden
MSC unterstützt Kunden seit 1999 beim Transport ihrer Fracht von und nach Schweden. Heute verbinden wir Schweden mit einem direkten Hauptliniendienst und unserem MSC-eigenen und betriebenen Feeder-Netzwerk mit über 230 globalen Routen und bewegen jedes Jahr mehr als 270.000 TEU Fracht.
Contact our team to request a quote, book or find out more about our local services
Detention, demurrage, Per Diem and storage charges
For any queries regarding local charges, terms & conditions, please contact our local office.
SOLAS VGM information for Sweden
What is VGM?
Verified Gross Mass or VGM refers to the exact, verified weight of a packed container. For safety reasons, vessel operators can only load a container if its weight has been verified.
In line with SOLAS (Safety of Lives at Sea) regulations, all marine terminals in Sweden are now allowed to use their certified scales to record Verified Gross Mass (VGM) of shipments.
What do I need to include in my VGM instructions?
You must include the following on all VGM instructions:
Booking or Bill of Lading (BL) number
Container number
VGM + weight measurement unit (lbs. or kgs.)
Responsible Party Name
Digital signature of the authorized signatory in all CAPITAL LETTERS.
How can I submit my VGM instructions?
Guidelines for submitting your VGM instructions
MSC prefers to receive a Shipper-Verified Gross Mass (VGM) before cargo is delivered. This helps to avoid any unexpected weighing charges being levied against the cargo at the SWE Port of Loading, which will be billed to the Shipper of Record.
Any Shipper of Record-signed VGM will override any VGM derived at or by the terminal.
For truck delivery, the ultimate deadline for VGM submission will be 12:00 noon local time on the day of the cargo cut-off.
There are currently no SWE terminals with a “NO VGM – No GATE” policy.
All rail shipments must have the VGM submitted within 24 hours of the container gating in at the origin rail ramp, to avoid any extra fees levied by the terminal for weighing services. Late gates will only be considered for approval when a VGM is submitted by the Shipper of Record before 12:00 noon, local time, on the day of the cargo cut-off.
MSC admin fees and costs
Manual VGM Submission Fee (applies to email, fax, and inclusion on standard shipping instructions): 500 SEK per container.
Late VGM Submission Fee: 500 SEK per container.
Prohibited cargo
Cargo types must be checked separately for safe acceptance.
What we offer
What we offer
At MSC, we believe that global success is dependent on local solutions and local expertise. Discover our complete range of services to support shipments to and from Sweden, on land and at sea.
Carrier haulage
We handle pre- and on-carriage for all cargoes in Sweden and provide highest possible service for our customers.
Customs clearance
We handle all types of customs clearance needs for our customers to alleviate administration and provide a seamless shipping experience.
Unsere Lösungen
Wir sind nicht nur ein global führendes Unternehmen im Containertransport, sondern können unseren Kunden dank unserer weltweiten Teams von branchenspezifischen Experten auch rund um die Uhr einen persönlichen Service bereitstellen. So können wir schnelle und zuverlässige Transitzeiten sicherstellen und die besten Lösungen für Ihre Bedürfnisse liefern.
Wir sind nicht nur ein global führendes Unternehmen im Containertransport, sondern können unseren Kunden dank unserer weltweiten Teams von branchenspezifischen Experten auch rund um die Uhr einen persönlichen Service bereitstellen. So können wir schnelle und zuverlässige Transitzeiten sicherstellen und die besten Lösungen für Ihre Bedürfnisse liefern.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2025-03-27T02:46:00