From Orchard to Destination: Your Partners in Apple Transportation
Since Europeans first settled in New Zealand, apples have been one of the staple crops grown in the country. With the first trees introduced in 1819, apple growers were quick to realise their export potential, with the first export of apples taking place in 1888 from Christchurch to Chile, and quickly followed by Britain in the 1890’s.
With versatile soils combining with a unique climate, New Zealand is considered to be among the best countries in the world for growing apples. Warm and dry summers allow the fruit to ripen well while remaining less prone to disease as in other apple growing countries and the trees are afforded a period of dormancy, allowing to build up energy on the back of New Zealand’s cold winters.
MSC has been operating in New Zealand for 25 years. Throughout this time, we have become one of the leading carriers of New Zealand apples thanks to our highly-skilled and dedicated local apples team, our truly global port coverage, and consistent investment in the most advanced reefer technology.
Our deep knowledge of the apples value chain, coupled with local expertise and global networks, make us the perfect partner for apple transportation. We work with our customers to provide a variety of options that cover the process from orchard to destination.
As your partner for apples transportation, MSC brings to the table:
- Regular trade services from New Zealand to key apples destinations
- Dedicated local apple customer service team at our New Zealand head office in Christchurch
- Advanced reefer technology and multidisciplinary reefer expert teams to ensure smooth and steady port-to-port operations
- Tailored logistics solutions to the customers’ needs
- Intermodal solutions for land transport and logistics activities
- 24/7 container availability
- Flexible options to account for seasonal fluctuations
- Regular container tracking and mapping reports
- Strict turnaround times for bookings and container releases
Find more about MSC’s offerings around apples by visiting our page msc.com/apples.
Contact your local MSC representatives if you’re interested in learning more about apple transport and what solutions might fit your needs.